ANZAC Day was celebrated today at MIS with a special assembly to remember those who faught for us in the wars, and who are fighting for us today. We had 4 special guests from the RSA, including Bill McCabe, a crowd favourite, who spoke to the students and staff about his memories, and shared some interesting and funny stories with us all. As a class, it made us think about the sacrifices others made to allow us to have a peaceful country to live in, which we are truely grateful for. Below are some of Room 8 student's views and ideas on ANZAC Day and what it means to them.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
anzac day is a day of renemberance of solders that died and fout for our free country and died this day is sad for some and happy for others some. some solders still have nightmeers to this day but hey are hapy its over on the 26th of april ozzy and nz solders docked in Turkey they were welcomed by metal and dust falling from the sky and the poppy represents the solders that died to this day.
ReplyDeleteAnzac day is a day of rememberance of the solders that went to war for New Zealand and Austrlia to fight for free country on the 26th of April 1940, they landed in Turkey to do so. We have red poppies to simbleize these people, because the poppies grew were the dead were beared.
ReplyDeleteI think that it was great that these people went to war to fight for our country and their own lives. It must hav been a hard desision to go r not and leave their loved ones behind that they may never see again
On the 28th of July 1914, men and women from New Zealand and Australia went over to Gallipoli to fight for our country peace with the rest of the world.
ReplyDeleteLots of people died during this time but even though many did not see the end of world war one (11 November 1918), ANZAC came to prove that they could have peace with the rest of the world.
I think that ww1 was good because we don’t have to fear our home country but I also think that is was bad because many people died during this time .
By Toni Parker
On the 28th July 1914 thousands of New Zealanders and Australians stepped foot in Turkey on the Gallipoli Peninsula to fight for freedom and peace between many countries. We call them Anzacs, which is short for Australia, New Zealand, Army, Corps. Anzac Day is celebrated on 25th April every year. We celebrate t day at your local cenotaph. Morrinsville’s cenotaph is in Howie Park. We celebrate Anzac Day because; all those soldiers gave their lives for us to live a peaceful, safe and happy life.
ReplyDeleteI think we should keep on celebrating Anzac day for as long as we live if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be alive.
I think that Anzac day is very important because we are celebrating The Anzacs and they fought for freedom if it was'nt for them we would not be free,we would be under someone eles orders.So i'm saying thank you to The Anzacs.
ReplyDeleteAustralia and New Zealand soldiers and citizens put there lives on the line so that we today can live in a free living country and not a controlled country.
ReplyDeleteThey fought on April the 25th 1915 and were heavily attacked when they landed on the beach of Gallipoli Peninsula and hundreds of Australian and New Zealand soldiers died.
Sam M
dana says...
ReplyDeleteThe Anzacs went to war to fight for freedom and free will they fought in Gallipoli on the 25th of April 1915 and we celebrate it on the exact same day. We celebrate Anzac day to remember all the solders that went to war to save us from harm. Anzac day is a good way to remember them and how they fought for us and everyone should support it because they saved everybody’s life from misery.
The ANZAC's were the New Zealand and Australian soldiers that fought for the British empire in the first world war at Gallipoli against the Turks. We now celebrate ANZAC day on the 25th of April to remember the New Zealand soldiers that died in the first world war and all wars since then. I think ANZAC day reminds us how cruel war is, how deadly it is, and that there is a better way to resolve problems between countries than killing each other
ReplyDeleteAnzac day is a day of rememberance for the people who died fighting for freedom and peace in our country.
ReplyDeleteWe celebrated ANZAC day at the RSA this year in morrinsville. and the ANZACs fighted on the 25th of april 1915.
I think ANZAC day is good to celebrate to remmember all the ones we love and the people who died at war.
An ANZAC is a soldier from New Zealand or Australia that fought in the First or Second World Wars. ANZAC stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corps.Both countries sent out lots of troops to support the United Kingdom in the wars.In the First World War (1914-1918)the ANZACS fought in Gallipoli which started in 1915 and lasted for 2 years. They also fought in the middle east and at the Western Front in Europe.
ReplyDeleteANZAC day is celebrated on the 25th April to remember the people who died inthe 2 wars.During World War 2 the ANZACS came back again and fought in France, Italy and North Africa.
In Morrinsville they have a service at the cenotaph at Howie Park. The library has a wall in the foyer that shows all of the soldiers that died in the war from Morrinsville area.
I really enjoy celebrating ANZAC day because I like hearing peoples'experiences from the war and remembering all ANZACs that fought for us and died in the wars.
1.Australian and new Zealanders, who fought in the gallipoli campaign in 1915 good on them.
ReplyDelete2.we fight for our land and freedom.
3.we celebrating anzanc on the 25th of April.
4.the anzanc fight at gallipoli between April and December 1915,and the front until, passchendaele in October 1917.
5.to remember the ones who ricks there life our us today,that is why we celebrating.
6.i thoughts are good on them for ricking there life, my feels are sad for the ones that die and happy that we win some wars.
On 1939 Australians and New Zealanders solders called the ANZAC's sailed to galipolie to fight with the LI's. They were fighting to get the Germans back to germane. This took them 6 years to fight so they finished in 1945. I think that they should not have started in the first place. We celebrate ANZAC day on the 25th of April to remember the solders that died back then
ReplyDeleteAnzac day, 25th April is a day to celebrate peace in our country, and to remember the soldiers who died in WW1.
ReplyDeleteIn 1915 New Zealand and Australia formed a group named ANZAC. ANZAC went out to Gallipoli in Turkey and fought courageously to bring peace to our countries.
I think that the soldiers who went out to war are very brave, risking their lives for the well being of others.
On the 28th of July 1914, Different Men and Women from Australia and New Zealand fought in Gallipoli peninsula. Lots of men and women died or were wounded while fighting for our country.
ReplyDeleteAnzac is about a remembrance of the people who went away fought there hardest for us.
They went away for 4-8 months.
We now celebrate it on the 25th of April at Howie park.
My feelings and thoughts for this is sad because some of the brave people who went died and that’s not cool.
By Shannon
anzac day is about respecting the people that went to war and the people who respected or country levi diamond