In room 8 we are studying Narratives and using the three tenses. The tenses are past, present and future. We are also using the five senses, which are taste, hear, sight, touch and smell. We have been learning how to use adjectives, adverbs and synonyms, which are descriptive words. Posted below in the comments section are some of Room 8’s work. We hope you enjoy reading them.
By Sophie, Toni and Carlie.
The deafening, scrreching of annoying, little sea gulls was following our boat. The wonderful sight of many huge fish in our bright, red clillibin was satisfying. It gave everyone the erge to get back and eat the delicious things. The icy, cold water sent remarkable, shivers down my spine. The horrible stench of the thored out bait, was remarkably overwellming. The cold, sea air was freezing,as I unfortunally took a gulp of some.
ReplyDeleteThe thundering sound of the waves crashing against the rocks blew my eardrums. The shining bright sun reflected off the fast rushing water. Golden sand bristles past my legs. The rocks in the water sticks out like a mole in the ground. Everybody’s having fun in the salty atmosphere, spitting all the salt water on the ground.
ReplyDeleteBy Jake Keightley
The green grass squished between my toes. The ball was soaring through the air. As it got nearer to me, it sounded like a gust of wind. I hit it as hard as I could with the straight bat. As i lay it down, I realised how the green, freshly moan grass looked so perfect. It smelt so fresh. I stood up and felt the smooth fresh air gliding through my mouth.
ReplyDeleteThe soft velvety chair brushed up against my arm.The lights dimmered,and darkness fell.The leather curtains opened,out come the big screen.The movie sterted.The chocolate topping from the ice cream melted on the back of my tounge.The popcorn left little bit stuck all in my teeth.The girls next to me were noisly russling,while on there phones.It was very ennoying.The buttery popcorn aromar filled the room.I sniffed up the smell,it tickled my nose.
ReplyDeleteApproaching the enormous circular New Zealand government, I didn’t know how to feel.
ReplyDeleteMum told me we were having an informative tour around the Beehive. Going through a massive, squeaky clean glass door to find high tech security, freaked me to the max. I could smell floor cleaner and food. My eyes watered at the bright lights. I could faintly hear the national anthem playing softly and sweetly. All the men had ties and for the woman skirts. My feet made wet marks on the polished floor. The air that surrounded me was stuffy and gross.
Keep up the good work room 8 I have enjoyed readign your posts. Well done to those students making the effort to contribute and comment on posts, especially your homework ones. Ka Pai.
ReplyDeleteWell done Room 8. Great to see new stuff being added to your blog. I enjoyed your writing. Perhaps you can record it and set it up as a podcast through your blog. Ask your Tech Angels (Luke & Darren) if they can help with this.
ReplyDeleteAs they went roaring past you, you could only catch a glimpse of them. The noise was deafening as they screeched past you at 290km tops. As they roared past you could fell the inside of you rumble from top to bottom. You could hear them rev there engines at the start line. The shaved ice melted inside my mouth with lots extravagant flavors. You couldn’t miss the stench of the tires rubbing against the road.
ReplyDeletesam m
The bright shimmering sun shone in as toni and I started to build are amazing box hut.
ReplyDeleteWe were building our box hut in front of toni's old wooden front door and on either side of the door there was to huge windows.
Once are box hut was done we decided to decorate it with flowers, there were three fake flowers sitting on top of are huge house with a pink, black and purple sign sitting on the front of are box house.
There was a strange odour coming from the boxes so toni sprayed impulse in are hut.
The cars outside going past the house were so noisy.
I could feel the boxes brush past my leg as I climbed in the huge box then I felt a tickle up my throat from the dust on the boxes.
This unique construction of boxes turned into a house befor are very eyes.
I saw the little, Dark, green shed in front of me where the clay birds came out. I picked up my double barrel 20g shotgun and loaded it while uncle john showed me what to do. He told me that I had to say "yep" for the clay to came out. I was nervous that the gun would kick to much but I said yep anyway. Out came a little bright orange clay bird at huge speed. BANG! The vibration of the gun shock my arms like little twigs in the wind. The clay bird shatted and fall to a sop. I could smell gunpowder roaming me like a shadow on a sunny day. The taste of success was in my mouth. A couple more and I was satrsfied.
ReplyDeleteI was excited. I ran over to the prickly wire fence that poked my fingers. Livley sun rays blinded me as I try tried to get a glimpse of the giraffes unatractive brownish yellow teeth, munching on the green leaves. I sniffed a horrible poo smell beside the elephant. I watched the green grass sway in the wind. I put the cold chocolate ice-cream in my mouth, it dissolved into a chocolaty saucey liquid, leaving a delisious taste behind.
ReplyDeleteWhen me and my Dad stopped for a photo shoot I finally felt a sense of achievement. I was exhilerated and fascinated with the beatiful scenery. It was phenomenal with marvellous views over the Waikato and gigantic hills and countryside that lay like a sleeping giant. I was fascinated and very delighted feeling the companionship between Dad and I. I felt my feet pushing on the pedals with all my strength. Once again, I noticed the smell of the Methane from the cows as we rode past them. The voices of the animals, birds and the sound of the Autumn leaves blowing in the wind filled our ears. Everywhere I looked was of green rolling country side, lines of troughs and then fences along the driveways. My lips tasted the mosquitoes as they flew into my mouth. We had cycled 40 kilometres. What an epic bike ride!
ReplyDeleteThe people around me kept talking, talking and talking, which made me want to wear earplugs. The sun was shooting bright rays at my eyes. My little cousin threw something at my face. "Eww yuk", I shouted. I quickly spat it out, disgusted. There was a mouth watering fragrance in the air. Food sunbathing on the BBQ. The ground was as hot as the blazing sun. As a balloon popped on my back, i shivered as the freezing water ran down my back.
ReplyDeleteShreek,Shreek as the penguins flew through the water with there magniicant,bold shiny colours,gliding towards the fiish.The icy,cold,arctic waters froze my hand as we went past the enclosure,we walked fruther past the enclosure the stench of rotten fish tickled my nose,the whole way around the room.Flaky,white snow like frosted cornflakes fall off the roof onto the birds.Splashing water in the corner of my eye caught my attsion.The voilant flavour of fish numbed my tounge just like when i ate brussal sprouts.Smooth,sliky,shiny,skin like a beautiful white pearl.The bright,blue see through water was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAs I walk through the dusty cave I smell the sea up my nostrils. I look behind myself I see my best friends behind me. Suddenly I see light, I stumble out and grab. The rough bark from the pohutakawa kings and queens. I look up the tides out,I yell and we all rush down the ridge to play in the sludgy mud. I accidentally get mud in my mouth. Eww yuk!! it was foul! suddenly the voice of our Mum's drifts down to where we are playing.We've got to get out of the mud.Oh man!!.
ReplyDeleteThe booming noise of fake thunder blows my ear drums as the lazer war bagan.I creep up around in the gloomy,darkness,knowing that i might get zapped any second.A stench of b.o grew apon me from th intensive heat.My finger rapidly hits the trigger as i saw Dad,he got a clean getaway because the bright flashing lights blinded me.10 seconds left,sprint to the wall.slide,zap,zap,zap. i finally got Dad.Game over!Before i walked out a gust of nachoes rushed back to my mouth and out it came.
ReplyDeletei just arrived at the beach im trying so hard to get out of the car even though its still moving. finaly i got out of the car and the first thing i did was take a wiff of the beachy,fresh summer air.i am running down the beach and all i could feel is the golden sand rubbing against my toes.There was a weed ahead but i just kept running i feel over and i looked around i saw that it was the weed that i tripped me over.i got into the water and it startedv to burn my nose.i went under and saw some fish.there was some fish i tried to catch them but they were to slippry.i come out from under and my eyes start to burn. so i gave up and went home
ReplyDeleteThe hot boiling sun shone on my skin as I brought the cows in from the paddock. The farm smells so bad from all the poo and dirt. You just feel horrifying and you want to throw up from the bad stench but I’m used to it now. If you drive too fast in the paddock mud and dirt will flick up to your face. You hope it doesn’t get up in your face or mouth because if it does it tastes horrible and disgusting you have spit it out strait away .The solf squishy paddocks of peat’s land felt hilly like heaps of mountains. The sound of silence is not normal for my ears. I drove the tractor with my dad guiding me and singing together. In the distance there was not much to see apart from grass, trees and more grass.
ReplyDeleteThe bristly limestone walls scratched along my arm as I walked in a little crammed cave. Faint noises came from up ahead luckily it was just another group coming back. I looked up the glow worms looked like billions of eyes watching you getting ready to pounce at the defenceless people below. The slimy stench blocked my nose, yuk I spit out all the limestone particle from the muggy air.
ReplyDeleteThe scorching sun shone down on us as we walked to the beach ashley and i walked on the rocks until we found some where to get in nana held the net while we dived in water sent a chill down my spine . we thourt the water would be warm as the sun was shining down nana threw us the net we spreed out we stabbed our sides in the ocean flour and splashed up the water the stench of salt and fish lingerd we heard the water rushing by we watched the fish jump out of the water as we ran the salt water splashed in our mouths we spat it out as we aprouched the net we started to rotate in a circle bake to nana the fish were slimey they were huge!!!!! heads poping of bloud every wher fish wher junping out of the salty bucket the smell was atrociouse and discusting horrable
ReplyDeleteThe salt water spray was bitter and revolting in my mouth as we cursed along the deep blue rough waters. Around us were small, agile but allegiant islands. As we came to a halt the loud rumbling of the mussel barges motor could make your ears ring. Lowering your fishing line with slimy bait attached to the hooks with a smell that could send your nose on a wild rollercoaster ride, was easy because the heavy sinkers pulled it down to the sea bed. The thin clear nylon was invisible to the human eye and I'm guessing the yummy fishes too otherwise they wouldn't be stupid enough to get themselves hooked, realed in, killed and thrown into the massive \, freezing cold , ice filled , chilly bin. Trying to rebait your hook was a challenge because the bait was slimy and tough. The bait was revolting, slippery and wriggled its way out of your fingers even though it was dead! Your hands wont enjoy fishing much because they will reek of fish and bait by the end of this fun filled day.
ReplyDeleteI went to the beach to go do somthing.It was sunny and rocky and fun.We had heaps of fish in our chilly bin ready to be smoked for as to eat.The wind and the waves were rough.
ReplyDeleteThere was a square-shaped pontoun with rounded corners. It had a ladder coming off the front of it. To the right of the pontoun, there was a colourful reef. The reef was mostly brown and parts of it were green. It had different colours aswell. In front of the pontoun, about 3 metres, there was an underwater post office. The post office was square was square with a triangle-shaped roof. On the right of the post office there was a letter box. They used the letter box to post their underwater postcards. me and Baily were standimg on top of the under water post office. Some of the parents were on the pontoun.There was a salty smell lurking around. There were heaps of colourful and bright fish swimming around.By Julia
ReplyDeleteI tighted the sgshy club in my hand.
ReplyDeleteThe air went thew my teeth like a sweet brezze.
The sheep poo made a stinky stench thruogh the air.
The ducks were quacking in the blue sky.
My crystal clear vison is focused on the ball going thew the air.-
The freezing air flies up my nose as the people walk in the drive way.Quickly i get ready for our garage sale i sip the spicey soup,a warm flow rushes down my body sending a mmm sound out of my mouth.The cold and musty fog spreads along the atmosphere like a blanket pushing a freezing breaze at me.The wispers of people fly into my ear like a scream of a little girl.It was as cold as ice at 7 oclock that morning.
ReplyDeleteThere wasa lingring scent in the air from the hot brakes from the v8 cars.All you could smell was hot rubber along the road.
ReplyDeleteI was starting to get hungry so we went to get hot chips. Mmm,my mouth semmed to automatically open as my chips disappeared.
Yum, that drink was cold as my fingers were melting ice.
We headed back to the corner just in time...Bang Smash The ute smashed into the wall.
My ears were about to blow up beacuse the noise was horrible around me.
"Time to go" said dad. My sister and me were going to nana's. The time was about 7:25, thats the time that dad usually goes to work at. After waiting nearly half an hour, we got to nana's. Ryan and Dylan weren't there yet. After unloading our stuff me and Brooke said goodbye to dad and charged off to a big tree near the workshop.
ReplyDeleteI went up the tree first, I climbed onto the old wooden fence and pulled my self up onto the rough branches.
As the cool wind started to blow, the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind got louder as the wind got stronger.
Then all of a sudden a bug flew into my mouth, I spat the bug out just as the yucky flavours went into my mouth.
Our noses began to pick up a stench coming from the neighbours silage, Brooke complained about it but I just ignored her and Kept on climbing up higher into the tree.
As I got higher I was swallowed up by the green and brown tree and the ground was nowhere to be seen.
The leaves were flopping around like paper in the wind, they looked like they would fall at eney second. Suddenly I Realised how high I was, but I ignored it and kept on climbing until I got to the top.
As I gazed at the abundenses of bright balloons clinging to the pale green posts, the sound of Jaxy's delightfully sweet laughter swept across the yard.The warmth of the blazing, hot sun danced on my skin.The scrumpcious, chocolate cake flavour ruled my mouth entirely.The tasty aroma of food greeted my nose, as it wafted from the kitchen window.The purple flowers in the corner of the section were as dazzling as a rainbow
ReplyDeleteBrmmmm here the roring v8s go through the shikane. they sound like there going to exsplode becouse there so loud. when they go past cant even see them go. BOOM a car just crashed an epic fail for the guy in the car. after the race i went and got some candy floss when i put it in my mouth my mouth started to water man it was nice!. next i had a go at the car bash i picked up the humunges sledg hamer bang it felt like a electrick shok juzt went thru my body :] <3
ReplyDeleteHey Room 8, great writing and I love that you are sharing it through your Blog. Way to go. I like Mr Casey's idea of pod casting your writing onto your Blog. I have been using cell phones in my class to record voice. Have a go. I hope that descriptions like this appear in your narrative tales.
ReplyDeleteI really liked Toni and sophie's narrative writing. It was really descriptive :)
ReplyDeleteThese are some really descriptive language. Nice work Room 8!